1. Helen Posno

    Dear Amanda. Thank you for this remarkable reading. I wept as I remembered my English grandmother. Ah well – as the saying goes – we are all caught up in the shells of our memories. Blessings. Helen.

    • Amanda Hale

      Thank you Helen, my poetic friend. Good to know we share English grandmothers!

  2. James Williams

    A nice pick-me-up after my deep “affair” with Mad Hatter. You have that certain something which makes one feel comfortable, secure for the moment, rather as it was in days past when we had what felt like a trustworthy connection with voices coming from the living room radio, speaking well considered words. Thank you for such a revival and entertaining story telling.

    • Amanda Hale

      Thanks for this appreciation, Jim, and a reminder of the Radio days. The Radio was a large presence in our sitting room during childhood. I love how it allows the visual imagination to collaborate creatively.

  3. Sally Campbell

    Dear Amanda,

    I’ve now listened to all 3 Podcasts and I’ve enjoyed them hugely! You have great gifts,not only as a writer (see my review of Mad Hatter at BC Bookworld for details haha) but also as an actor. You bring those words so to life in audio, I might just become an audio convert! And the context you bring,in a behind-the-scenes way,is very rich, thank you my dear, for this offering. Will definitely stay tuned for more.

  4. Bridget Goudie

    I was transported back to granny,s house Manda, I adored her simply because she was so reliable in every way, and nobody else was. Thank you for remembering the Armadillo, Bless you and sending my love.

  5. Amanda Hale

    Thanks for these comments, Sally. My theatre training as a young girl in London at the Italia Conti Stage School is finally coming to fruition!

  6. Ann Bekooy

    Amanda: just finished the third podcast, Armadillo. Again, I’m just blown away by your talent as a storyteller as well as a writer. I recommended you podcast to Ingrid and she is excited to hear your story. She is a big fan of audio books.
    I am not a consistent listener but do keep track of the story as I have read the book. I like to listen when I can just sit and listen and do nothing else.
    Looking forward to the next podcast.
    Keep it up


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