1. Helen Posno

    Dear Amanda. What a really remarkable reading! I wanted to hide under the table as well .. So many textures bring out the magic in our lives. Thank you so much for your brilliant writing. Love, Helen.

    • amanda hale

      Thank you dear Helen. We can hide under the table together any time. There is still lots to hide from, perhaps more than ever!

  2. Henry Beissel

    My dear Amanda: It’s been a delight to hear you bring to life the various characters in your novel, all of them facets of yourself.THE MAD HATTER is that rare achievement when a writer succeeds in embodying all her different selves along with the complexities of her life in a single work. It takes not only consummate skill and interminable patience to accomplish that, but also courage and unconditional truthfulness. That’s why your novel rewards the reader with the experience of a lifetime. Congratulations and much love! Henry

    • amanda hale

      Thank you Henry for this recognition. It means a lot to me.

  3. Sally Campbell

    Dear Amanda,

    These podcasts have been a wonderful experience, deepening my understanding and appreciation for Mad Hatter. I have also loved hearing the insights about yourself you have gained through bringing the book into being. It reinforces for me the value of the word as expression of the voice(s) within, whose meaning,like a dream, is often opaque at the time we experience it. Thank you for these offerings; you are a treasure!


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