1. Henry Beissel

    My dear Amanda: What a delight to hear your voice and to listen o your lucid account of preparing an audio version of The Mad Hatter! My respects for tackling such a formidable project. I also enjoyed your very personal reminiscences about your family, the warmth with which you recall and celebrate them, and the very precise and concrete evocations of both their characters and the environments in which you bring us together with them. Congratulations and much love, as ever….Henry

  2. Paula Wild

    A very eloquent, engaging and moving podcast, Amanda. I look forward to the next one!

  3. Jenny Hoops

    Thank you for sharing your narration experience, Amanda! And for telling a little bit about your aunt – she sounded like a remarkable person.

  4. Kati Marshall

    Dear Amanda,,
    So enjoyed this accounting of your recording time,,
    What an intense process!!!
    And so resonate with your thoughts about old folks
    Home .. sort of discarded!! Really have a lot of reworking
    Our world to get this piece right!
    Love to u..

  5. Claire

    Thank you Amanda that was a great story!So nice to hear your rich voice. My first podcast ever.

  6. eric

    Very nice, Amanda. And thoughtful.

    Now I know what’s kept you busy the last few weeks — what a chore!

  7. S.

    Loved your podcast; so intimate, so revealing. As we get nearer our dotage, the prospect of long-term care casts a frightening shadow, especially with the devastation caused by this virus. Do you know the BBC sitcom Waiting for God? Well worth it if you haven’t seen it, or even if you have. Like everything else, available on youtube I imagine.

  8. Kenneth A Walker

    It was a real delight to listen to your voice, and this podcast, with so much caring and thoughtful information. Thank you for sharing Aunt Maud with us, and also your thoughts about old peoples’ homes, which have come off so badly in the U.K. I read Mad Hatter in December 2019, and I want to get back to it, hopefully through your audiobook, which I am longing to hear. During the Covid lockdown I have done a lot of reading (out loud) which is a real pleasure.

  9. Caitlin HIcks

    You are absolutely inspiring, Amanda! I wish there were no COVID so we could get together! I’ve listened to this podcast … and want to talk to you about an idea I have for all writers in BC … I will send you an email — please listen to some of my podcasts and tell me what you think / feel about them.

    I’ve begun voicing my own audiobook, but am daunted by simple equipment, and keeping track of it all – alongside my podcast. Can’t wait to read your book . . . I know you sent me a coupon .. hope it doesn’t expire!

  10. Angie

    It took a while for me to get here, but, well done Amanda! You have infused interest by following new threads that relate to the present but are tethered in the past. I am reminded of the knots my mother and grandmother taught me to make so that the embroidery thread would hold. You are a maker of fine, glowingly coloured embroidery!

  11. Amanda Hale

    Thanks to everyone for these beautiful and appreciative comments! It is wonderful to know that people are listening to and enjoying my podcasts. More to come!

  12. Martha Gerow

    What a delight to listen to your process of getting Madhatter recorded. I am looking forward to hearing the next podcasts! Better late than never.


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